We are really excited to announce that we are running a competition for Dogs Connect Communities that we think is worth having a crack at. 

This competition is called:


‘It’s A Dog’s Life’!


Check out the prizes!!! 3 winners will receive this awesome package of goodies. 

Prizes include:

3 Years of Accreditation Renewal

Personalised Fur King Orthopaedic Dog Bed | Vet Recommended

Dogs Connect Bandana, Poster, Squeeze Star Stress Toy

TOPPL Treat/Food Dispensing Dog Enrichment Toy

KONG Wobbler Treat/Food Dispensing Dog Enrichment Toy

WAG Small Deer Antler Enrichment Chew

Your school will also be recognised with a Certificate of Excellence.

Potential Media Coverage of your school wellbeing dog.

Total value of each Prize Pack: $1850.00

(All Schools that enter the competition will receive a participation prize)


This is aimed at schools but if you are not a school you can still submit and just substitute students with colleagues or community members.

We are asking for a 3-5 minute video, showing a day in the life of your wellbeing dog.

We are hoping to have many submissions to look at and plan to share them with you over time.

Thanks and good luck!

The Dogs Connect Team