Monthly Archives: September 2023

Helping hounds lift student health, but experts warn regulation is lacking

2024-01-14T00:25:41+10:00September 24th, 2023|

Read about the great work St Helena Secondary College are doing with their wellbeing dogs - Frankie and Ash. Principal Karen Terry explains the positive impact on student well being and the influence Frankie and Ash are having in fostering a sense of community. While some schools, like St Helena, partner with Dogs Connect to [...]

Understanding and Overcoming Attachment Nervousness in Dogs: A Guide for Pet Parents

2024-01-14T00:24:37+10:00September 6th, 2023|

As devoted pet parents, it's natural for us to form deep bonds with our furry companions. However, some dogs may experience Attachment Nervousness, which can lead to unwanted behaviours and emotional distress for both the dog and their human family.  In this blog post, we will explore what attachment nervousness is, its causes, and provide [...]

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