See the benefits of a wellbeing dog in correctional centres

We’re committed to improving mental health, emotional and social development within the justice system. We can offer support in many ways to those involved in the justice and corrections sector.

We have a range of packages for different organisations, check them out or get in touch to discuss your unique situation

How do wellbeing dogs help in the justice system?

Dogs are used to improve mental health in a variety of justice and correctional settings. With such high levels of poor mental health in correctional settings, there is a huge opportunity for change.

Having dogs in correctional centres can help:

Provide a calming effect

The calming effects of a wellbeing dog can be seen immediately. When an offender is agitated, anecdotal evidence shows that a dog can help lower their heart rate, slow their speech and help them relax. This calming effect can sometimes last beyond the initial encounter with the wellbeing dog.

Increase coping skills

People in correctional centres have often gone through immense trauma. Many have never had much emotional support and may struggle to deal with their emotions. Interacting with a wellbeing dog gives inmates a better understanding of emotional exchange. In turn, this increases awareness of their own emotions and allows them to better cope with their current situation.

Rehabilitate offenders

When inmates see and feel the impacts of their involvement with an innocent animal, it can help better understand empathy. It can help them understand how their behaviour impacts other people and can be an important part of the rehabilitation journey.

Give people a sense of belonging

For clients who struggle with relationships, spending time with a wellbeing dog helps them learn about interactions. Animals provide non-judgemental companionship and allow prisoners to feel more secure.

Improve staff mental health and wellbeing

Our program encompasses entire communities. We know that staff who work within justice communities experience burnout, trauma, and a range of challenges that impact on wellbeing. A wellbeing dog can provide valuable support and be involved in a range of positive impacts throughout the day.

How does it work?

Our programs can be tailored to pre-release support, post-release support, or meeting the particular needs of staff. We aim to ensure the culture of the correctional centre is complemented by positive connections with wellbeing dogs.

Initially, we need a volunteer to home the dog and be the primary carer. Once that has been decided, we help you:

  • Find a suitable dog that will suit your circumstances.
  • Write policies, risk assessments and building protocol documents to meet international standards.
  • Prepare the correctional centre so that consistent expectations are set and met by everyone.
  • Set up the correctional centre and home space so that your wellbeing dog feels like it belongs.
  • Train individuals in building authentic connections between members of the community and the wellbeing dog.
  • Set healthy and context-appropriate behavioural routines for your wellbeing dog and community.
  • Teach social and emotional management strategies with the wellbeing dog.
  • Build confidence with the community dog and become creative by working as a team to meet your needs.

We have a range of packages for different organisations, check them out or get in touch to discuss your unique situation